Privacy Policy

iValco is committed to protecting your online privacy. Because the very nature of the services that provides focuses on the collection and analysis of various types of information that our users voluntarily provide us, we recommend that you read this Privacy Policy so you will understand how your personal information will be treated as you make full use of our services. Please keep in mind that our commitment to meeting the demands of our users may result in changes or additions to this Privacy Policy. In the event of such a change, will post the revised Privacy Policy on our web site, which you can reach through the link on our Homepage and on other pages, so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and subject to the Terms and Conditions of the use of our web site. By using our web site you pledge to abide by those Terms and Conditions.

Children Under the Age of 13 supports the privacy protection needs of children and does not intend to collect any personally identifiable information from children. You must be 13 or older to use our web site, join an E-Mail Club or submit any information to

How We Collect and Use Information from Members provides members the opportunity to receive news, promotions and other information via email from their favorite neighborhood stores, theaters, and other establishments. You will only receive these emails if you grant us or the establishment permission to communicate the news of the establishment to you. You must also provide us or the establishment with at a minimum your name and email address to allow us to communicate a personalized message to you. You can do this by:

A. Completing an E-Mail Club postcard to join an establishment's E-Mail Club.

B. Clicking a link to join a particular E-Mail Club found on the establishment's email to a member of its E-Mail Club, if the email is forwarded to you by the Refer a Friend option. We do not store your email address unless you join the E-Mail Club. We do not store your friend's comments to you.

C. Clicking on any banner and signing up for an E-Mail Club sponsored by an establishment participating in the program, attached to an email message from an E-Mail Club you have already joined.

D. Completing a form or following links to opt in to the establishment's E-Mail Club contained on a page at the establishment's web site.

E. Providing your name and email address and granting consent to an establishment by some other means.

F. Using the Join Now feature on the community to become a member of an establishment participating. As a visitor, you can join as many establishments' E-Mail Clubs in the community as you wish.

We will send you a confirmation of your enrollment in the all E-Mail Clubs you join within the community. We will indicate the source of your subscription request with a link to unsubscribe if you elect not to remain a member.

When you join additional E-Mail Clubs, your name and email address, and any other general information you have voluntarily provided to us in the your Profile section will not be shared. Any information you voluntarily provide that is requested specifically for one E-Mail Club will not be shared with other E-Mail Clubs.

If you join one or more E-Mail Clubs through the methods described in items A, B, C, D and E above, your information will be owned separately by the establishments whose E-Mail Clubs you joined, and's rights to use your information to contact you independently, and not on behalf of an establishment sponsoring an E-Mail Club, is more limited. does not share any of your personally identifiable information with third parties, other than sharing your Profile Information with the sponsoring establishment for each E-Mail Club you join. may employ data entry firms or other vendors to assist in the entry and administration of member information and email transmissions. Any such vendors will be subject to confidentiality agreements and will not have any right to use or disclose member information except in connection with their contracted services. does not obtain any information about you other than your first name and email address unless you provide it voluntarily. Please note that you are under no obligation whatsoever to provide this extra personal information in order to continue to receive your periodic promotion and special event news If you do provide and your E-Mail Club sponsors with further personal interest information about yourself, you will enable us to highly personalize the communication and tailor it to your own interests, needs and area.

There are several ways you can disclose personal information to and your E-Mail Club sponsors:

1. The periodic emails that you will be receiving from us on behalf of your E-Mail Club sponsors, will contain a User Profile option allowing you to update your contact information and provide your areas of interest relative to that establishment. The User Profile web page offers a Reminder Option allowing you to fill in the names of friends or relatives and their birthdays or anniversaries. Your E-Mail Club sponsor may use this information to send you a reminder notice with a special promotion.

2. You will also be able to provide information about your interests through email surveys we send out on behalf of your E-Mail Club sponsors. This information, too, will assist and your E-Mail Club sponsors to customize the emails you receive from us on their behalf.

3. You are invited to provide comments to us and your E-Mail Club sponsors. Comment sections appear on the emails we send to you, the form you can use to opt in to the establishment's E-Mail Club, and on our own Join Now feature on the homepage. We and your E-Mail Club sponsors will use your comments to provide better services to you.

4. You may reply to any email we send you. We will store your first reply, and then forward it to the appropriate E-Mail Club sponsor, if applicable. You may then correspond directly with the E-Mail Club sponsor by email. If we correspond with you directly, we may store this correspondence. We and your E-Mail Club sponsors will use the comments in your emails to provide better services to you.

5. You will have the opportunity to opt out of membership in any E-Mail Club or in the community whenever you receive an email. You will be given the opportunity to provide comments why you want to end your membership. We and the E-Mail Club sponsors will use your comments to improve the services provided to members.

6. You can add to or update your voluntary Information by contacting us at any time.

There are several other areas of our web site, like the Refer A Friend or Suggestions options, that require certain information in order to use them. The information that you provide for these options will not be used for any reason other than that for which you provide the information. will not use an email address you provide under the Refer A Friend option to contact your friend after your referral unless your friend elects to join the E-Mail Club and the referral is complete.

We collect and have access to all of the above member information. We may share information you provide to us specifically for an E-Mail Club sponsor in a form that may link the information with personal information that can identify you, only with that E-Mail Club sponsor. The specific E-Mail Club sponsor for whom you are providing the information will own the information, except we will co-own the information with them if you become a member of the net neighborhood at any time. will own any information you provide in response to a request from on its own behalf. We will share Profile Information you provide to us in the My Profile section of our web site with the sponsors of any E-Mail Clubs you join. The information may be in a personally identifiable form. We do not share information in personally identifiable form that you provide in connection with one E-Mail Club with the sponsors of other E-Mail Clubs or other third parties. does not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others or share it with others, except we share the information with the establishments sponsoring E-Mail Clubs and vendors subject to confidentiality agreements employed to assist with data entry and administration, as described in this Policy Statement. If the ownership of an establishment sponsoring an E-Mail Club changes due to the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the establishment or the controlling stock or other ownership interest, the new owner may have the same rights of access and ownership of your personal information as the previous owner. Similarly, if a purchaser acquires substantially all of the assets or stock of, the purchaser will succeed to our rights with respect to your personal information. will not otherwise sell or share your personal information with third parties unless we first notify you and you permit the transfer. may provide aggregate statistics about our members and the members of the sponsoring establishments' E-Mail Clubs, traffic patterns, read rates, redemption rates, and related site information to advertisers and for other marketing and promotional purposes or to third party vendors. In these situations, we would not disclose any information that could be used to personally identify you. We do not supplement information we collect from members with information from third parties to make member information personally identifiable. will disclose member information as required by law, court order, or as requested by government or law enforcement agencies. We will cooperate with law enforcement agencies in identifying those who use our services to further illegal activity. We also reserve the right to report any illegal activity to law enforcement for prosecution.

Log Files uses IP addresses to analyze trends, administer our web site, track our users' movement and web browsers used and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. automatically tracks certain information, including banners or other links clicked on and whether members read the email messages from their E-Mail Clubs. This information is provided to the respective establishment sponsoring the E-Mail Club and may include personally identifiable information.

What "Cookies" Are - We Do Not Use Them

We do not use "cookies". We maintain all data for tracking a user's session on our server. A cookie is a small data file that a web site transfers to a user's hard drive when the user visits the web site. A cookie file can contain information such as a user ID that the web site uses to track the pages visited. The only personal information a cookie can contain is what the user supplies. A cookie cannot read data off of a hard drive or read cookie files created by other web sites.

Many Internet services deliver cookies to visitors to their web sites. We do not. Cookies store information about your use of their service on your computer where it can only be retrieved by the same service at a later time. Cookies are used by Internet services to make their services more convenient and personalized. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but by modifying your browser preferences, you have the choice to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is set, or to reject all cookies. You can also delete cookies from your hard drive.

Other Sites

Please note that although our web site contains links to other sites, the privacy policy of these other sites is likely not identical to our own. Merchants who sponsor an E-Mail Club we support on this web site may maintain their own web site. We encourage you to be aware of when you leave our web site and to investigate and ask questions before disclosing any information to other sites. This Privacy Policy applies solely to the information collected by

Controlling or Changing Member Information

You will have the opportunity to opt out of membership in any E-Mail Club or in the net neighborhood whenever you receive an email. When we send you confirmation of your membership by email, we will provide you with instructions on how to unsubscribe from the list and how to report that your subscription was in error. If you opt out of membership in an E-Mail Club or in the net neighborhood, your name will be added to a list of individuals who have ended their membership and the transmission of emails to you will stop no later than seven business days from your request. Should you subsequently renew your membership in that E-Mail Club or in the net neighborhood, your membership will be reinstated as though no break in your membership had occurred. You will have to perform the steps to unsubscribe from each E-Mail Club you wish to leave. If you unsubscribe from all of your E-Mail Clubs, you will continue to be a member of the net neighborhood if you had joined. Please note that if you do choose to cancel your membership in an E-Mail Club or in the net neighborhood, your information remains in the database, but your membership will be deactivated.

You also have the option of adding to, updating or changing any voluntary personal information you have provided to You can add to, update or change the information in your User Profile for any E-Mail Club by submitting changes to your information found in the periodic emails that you will be receiving. You can view, update or change the information in the My Profile section of My Page on the web site by accessing the page using your email address and password. If you believe that any of the information we have is incorrect, please write to

We will retain in our files information that you have requested us to remove in some circumstances, such as to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and enforce the Terms and Conditions of our web site. In addition, prior information is never completely removed from our databases due to technical constraints and the fact that we back up our systems. Therefore, you should not expect that all of your personally identifiable information will be completely removed from our databases in response to your requests.

Security takes every precaution to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the web site, your information is protected both online and offline. employees are briefed on our privacy policies when they are hired. We provide all of our employees either a hard copy of the policy or send the policy to them by email when our Privacy Policy is updated.

All member data we collect is stored on secure servers and protected against unauthorized access. None of this information is stored on the web site. We operate a secure data network protected by industry standard firewall and encrypted password protection systems. Only a few employees have access to member personal information stored in's databases. Your community member information is password-protected so that only you have access to this personal information. We recommend that you do not divulge your password to anyone. Also remember to sign out of your account and close your browser window when you have finished using our web site. This is to ensure that others cannot access your personal information and correspondence if you share a computer with someone else or you are using a computer in a public place like a library or Internet cafe.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure and third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications. As a result, while we will strive to protect your personal communications and information, cannot fully ensure or warrant that your private communications and personal information will not be disclosed to third parties.

How We Collect and Use Information from Merchants maintains an informational web site with an address at for establishments that may be interested in participating in the net neighborhood by sponsoring an E-Mail Club. Our web site includes links for the establishments to contact us by email for additional information. We do not collect any other personally identifiable information from establishments and do not provide any method for establishments to update their account information through our web site. will disclose merchant information as required by law, court order, or as requested by government or law enforcement agencies. We will cooperate with law enforcement agencies in identifying those who use our services to further illegal activity. We also reserve the right to report any illegal activity to law enforcement for prosecution.


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